Ep. #68 Why personal application really matters - Sylvia’s clarity with The Accountability Code

by Marci Barker / March 5th, 2024
Why personal application really matters - Sylvia’s clarity
with The Accountability Code
Why personal application really matters - Sylvia’s clarity with
The Accountability Code
In this episode, I dive into the second half of the accountability code, focusing on implementing, commitment, and feedback. Reflecting back on my own journey, I share how I hit rock bottom, struggling to finish my book amidst personal turmoil and illness.
Sitting on a train, I realized the importance of implementing my values and skills, committing to my goals despite exhaustion, and seeking feedback to improve. Through this process, I birthed the accountability code, a framework that aligns mind and body to achieve goals peacefully.
I also discuss an upcoming eight-week program, emphasizing the power of accountability in achieving lasting change.
FREE Audiobook
I recorded my entire audiobook and I'd love for you to listen to it between episodes. Put your info in and get instant access to The Accountability Code Wake Up and Show Up!
Topics Covered in the Episode:
Personal journey of hitting rock bottom and finding inspiration to create the accountability code.
Exploring the second three steps of the accountability code: implementing, commitment, and feedback.
Introduction to an upcoming eight-week program focused on accountability.
Overview of program modules, including reflection, planning, and defining personal accountability.
Importance of group support and weekly calls in the accountability journey.
Encouragement for listeners to take action and pursue their goals with or without external support.
Emphasis on aligning mind and body to achieve true happiness and fulfillment.
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