Ep. #53 Time Management and Distraction-Free Success: Mastering Business Growth

by Marci Barker / November 22nd, 2023
Time Management and Distraction-Free Success: Mastering Business Growth
Time Management and Distraction-Free Success: Mastering Business Growth
Welcome to Season 3 of Your Loving Kick In The Pants. This episode emphasizes the importance of consistency, aligning actions with goals, and achieving a deeper level of self-mastery to enhance business success. I offer some of my best tips for using your phone productively without excessive scrolling. Last we discuss taking time off to play.
I want you to know a lot of the business owners I work with, struggle with time management and you are not alone, I made this episode with you in mind.
FREE Audiobook
I recorded my entire audiobook and I'd love for you to listen to it between episodes. Put your info in and get instant access to The Accountability Code Wake Up and Show Up!
Topics Covered in the Episode:
Reflection on one year in podcasting and unexpected achievements.
Consistency and goal alignment leading to opportunities.
The importance of self-mastery for business success.
Community engagement and the success of the host's Facebook group.
Contrast between a valuable, engaged Facebook group and spam-filled groups.
Tips for effective time management on social media.
Addressing the problem of excessive phone use and addiction to social media.
Specific tips for using Facebook on the computer rather than the phone.
Exploring tips and strategies shared within the Facebook group for better time management on social media.
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