Ep. #38 From Self-Promotion to Genuine Connection: Navigating Social Media with Intention

by Marci Barker / August 9th, 2023
From Self-Promotion to Genuine Connection: Navigating Social Media with Intention
From Self-Promotion to Genuine Connection: Navigating Social Media with Intention
In this podcast episode, I talk about the importance of sharing value in Facebook groups and social media platforms. I shed light on the problem with those who only show up to promote their products or services without providing any value to the group members. Intention is everything when it comes to sharing content on social media.
I hope to encourage you to focus on providing value and building genuine relationships. Though it can be a new skill to learn at first, I want to highlight the significance of sharing content that can benefit others, even if it doesn't result in immediate sales. I also recommend you check out my previous podcast, episode #35 on mastering the art of sharing value for more insights.
FREE Audiobook
I recorded my entire audiobook and I'd love for you to listen to it between episodes. Put your info in and get instant access to The Accountability Code Wake Up and Show Up!
In This Episode We Cover:
The importance of sharing value on social media
The frustration with people who only promote without providing value
The significance of understanding group rules and posting with integrity
The difference between successful and unsuccessful Facebook groups in terms of engagement
How to find an appropriate Facebook group to join or start
The role of intention in social media sharing and attracting clients
The importance of providing value regardless of immediate sales
Understanding the true value of one's business and sharing it freely
The benefits of sharing honestly on social media and building authentic relationships.
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