Ep. #34 Navigating the Intersection of Spirituality and Coaching: Unveiling Hidden Truths with Naomi Haigh

by Marci Barker / July 12th, 2023
Navigating the Intersection of Spirituality and Coaching: Unveiling Hidden Truths with Naomi Haigh
Navigating the Intersection of Spirituality and Coaching: Unveiling Hidden Truths with Naomi Haigh
Today’s Guest is Naomi Haigh, a psychic, medium, and intuition coach. We discuss the concept of being psychic in today's world and how everyone has some level of psychic ability. Naomi explains that being psychic is about connecting to one's intuition and being open to receiving information beyond logical thinking.
We talk about redefining the traditional image of psychics as fortune tellers and emphasize the importance of getting out of one's head and tapping into other senses. Naomi advises listeners who feel an inkling of psychic ability to seek out others who can help them explore and understand their experiences, even if those people are strangers.
We also touch on the difference between what Naomi does and therapy, highlighting the intention behind their respective practices and the freedom Naomi has as an energy worker.
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In This Episode We Cover:
Exploring what it means to be psychic in today's world.
The connection between intuition and psychic abilities.
Redefining the traditional image of psychics as fortune tellers.
The importance of getting out of one's head and tapping into other senses.
Dealing with skepticism and judgment from others regarding psychic abilities.
Seeking out help and guidance from energy workers and finding a safe space to explore psychic experiences.
The role of intention in psychic work and the difference between psychic abilities and therapy.
The idea of claiming the label of "psychic" and how it could lead to a greater acceptance of intuitive abilities and individual differences in psychic gifts.
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