Ep. 29 Unleashing Your Authentic Brand: How Updating Your Online Presence Can Transform Your Business with April Hiatt

by Marci Barker / June 7th, 2023
Unleashing Your Authentic Brand: How Updating Your Online Presence Can Transform Your Business with April Hiatt
Unleashing Your Authentic Brand: How Updating Your Online Presence Can Transform Your Business with April Hiatt
In this podcast episode, I have April Hiatt, a branding and web designer and strategist joining us. We discuss the importance of taking action and being in alignment both personally and professionally.
April shares her journey of becoming a website designer after searching for specific help for her child's mental health concerns. She emphasizes the significance of online presence and how it reflects the true value of a business.
The conversation also touches on the power of speaking up, asking hard questions, and being willing to listen and support others.
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I recorded my entire audiobook and I'd love for you to listen to it between episodes. Put your info in and get instant access to The Accountability Code Wake Up and Show Up!
In This Episode We Cover:
The amazing “Lady Bosses of Utah" Facebook group
April's background as an empty nester mom and her journey to becoming a web designer
Her initial struggle in finding the right help for her child's mental health concerns
The importance of a well-designed website in reflecting a business's true value
The impact of speaking up and asking hard questions
Updating your brand and online presence, attracting clients through authentic messaging and showcasing your personality.
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